- Go to website of facebook.
- Click on Forgotten account.
- Next page asks you to either enter your email address or phone number and search for the account. Choose whichever method you are comfortable in.
- If you choose to enter the mobile number, a code is sent on your mobile number .
- Enter the code in the space provided.
- Follow the on -screen instruction to reset your account.
- However, if you don’t have access to the phone number or there is no network connection in your phone then you can use following methods for Facebook password recovery.
- You can do the recovery using primary email ID.
- A text is sent on your primary email ID.
- Open the primary email ID in the next tab.
- Click on the link sent by facebook to reset the password.
- Follow the on -screen instruction.
You can also do the Facebook password reset for the security purpose. All you need to do is go through following to reset the password:
- Enter the username and password on facebook page.
- Click on Login button.
- Click on the right hand side downward arrow.
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Security and Log in that you can find on the left side panel of your facebook account.
- Click on Change Password.
- Enter the current password.
- In the next tab, enter the new password
- Retype new password.
- Click on Save changes
With the above steps, you can reset the Facebook password and secure your account. The above steps help to reset and recover your account. So, follow the respective methods for recovery or resetting the password.