MSN is largest user based to provide email service across the world.due to its massive popularity user may sometime face technical glitches related to MSN account. User may encounter problems related to password recovery, email account setting, server related to issues regularly. These problems are complex in nature and may not be solved by themselves so they require technical support to get their problem resolved instantly.
How to Recover Password?
To Recover lost Password user need to follow following steps:-
1. Firstly user need to open MSN account
2. Then user need to enter email address associated with that account.
3. Now user have to click on Forgot Password link.
4. Then select the option Reset Password.
5. User need to enter captcha code which shows that user is not robot in space provided. Now click on next option.
6. There user will see methods to recover password of account.
7. First option is through alternate email id where user need to provide email id and link will be send to it. User need to redirect to mail id and in inbox click on link to get the procedure to reset password.
8. The other method is through phone number in which one time password will be sent to phone user need to provide the code in space provided and have to enter new password. User have to re-enter new password again to confirm and click on save option.
9. One more method is through security question where user need to answer question to confirm that person is associated with that account.
10. After the new password enter now user can login with same password and access account easily.
MSN Customer Service Number
User can subscribe for security updates related to account. MSN Password Recovery Number provide support to users to protect their account from any attempts of permeation. MSN Password Reset Number provide help and guidance to user related to password recovery, lost or forgotten password related issues.
Customer can call toll free number which is available 24/7 round the clock to speak to technical experts and get the issues resolved immediately.